Category Archives: Maine Reads
Blue Summer …Book Review
Music is powerful. Faced with a trying situation, even that sometimes maddening memory, when looking for peace we often turn to music. A particular song, composition or even a melody can move one to another place, chase away the turmoil and bring peace. Crafted and expanded upon from a short story, Jim Nichols’ new novel, […]
The Making of Budworm Farm …Book Review
Hermit: The Mysterious Life of Jim Whyte …Book Review
The Bird Artist …Book Review
The Canadian writer, Alistair MacLeod …a Review
Forgotten Tales of Down East Maine …Book Review
Down East, Maine is a unique place. I have been writing about this “uniqueness” for some time now, so it’s refreshing to find a new book that offers a trove of some quirky stories that add to the unusual luster this place provides. In Jim Harnedy’s new book, Forgotten Tales of Down East Maine, place […]
The Eastern, Book Two: Later On …Book Review
Life seems to come in two chapters: a time when we are young, looking forward to the future; and that time when we are older— glancing back, remembering, trying to stave off tomorrow’s arrival. In Deborah Gould’s novel,The Eastern: Later On, we find a story that is woven from the fabric of both young and […]
Sea Change …Book Review
For sailors out there, Maxwell Taylor Kennedy’s newest book, Sea Change: A Man, A Boat, A Journey Home, provides a gripping adventure even a landlubber would appreciate. With the swagger of a sea story, a monumental task pursued, hardships faced with subtle glints of humor thrown in for measure, the book tackles the reality boats bring […]